Layoffs in California: What Employees Need to Know About Their Rights

This overview covers some of the major employment laws relating to layoffs in California. There may also be requirements under the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act, Family Medical Leave Act, and other laws. Be sure to consult trusted legal resources to understand all employee rights and employer obligations if you are facing a layoff.

Common LeetCode Questions involving BFS, DFS, and Graphs (That Aren’t Tagged as Such)

LeetCode is a popular platform for practicing coding interview questions. Many of the questions involve topics like breadth-first search (BFS), depth-first search (DFS), and graphs. However, not all of these questions are explicitly tagged with these keywords. In this post, we will look at some common LeetCode questions that rely on BFS, DFS, and graph algorithms, even if they aren’t tagged that way. Knowing these types of questions is helpful when preparing for coding interviews.

The Key Stats Behind Your Favorite Streaming Service

The Key Stats Behind Your Favorite Streaming Service

Behind the Scenes of Your Personalized Video Recommendations
Discover the analytics engines optimizing your streaming experience through:
๐Ÿ”Ž Content similarity metrics to connect related video clusters
๐Ÿงฎ Ranking & prediction models valuing relevance
๐Ÿค Collaborative filtering finding crowdsourced patterns
๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ Neural networks detecting nuanced interests
๐Ÿ“ˆ Scalable pipelines funneling clean interaction data
๐Ÿ’ฏ Quality checks ensuring reliable model inputs
Whether Netflix cues up your favorite genre or YouTube plays that perfect music mix, there are complex statistical and machine learning algorithms working to understand your tastes through every view, click, and watch!

Who I Am and the Way I Work

Who I Am and the Way I Work

Expectations can be deeply rooted in our own insecurities or our self worth , potentially stemming from a formative experience in life.Expectations can make us vulnerable.Itโ€™s highly important to be clear, deliberate and decisive from the outset.In short , donโ€™t make people guess or everyone will operate based…

Quantum Computing: Where We Are and Where We’re Headed

Quantum Computing: Where We Are and Where We’re Headed

Quantum computers are climbing out of the theoretical realm and into reality. Learn about the latest hardware, software, and application breakthroughs that are poised to unleash the power of quantum computing. Discover how companies like Google and IBM are pushing the limits of qubit count and control. Get a sneak peek at the coming quantum advantage that could change computing forever. The quantum era is arriving faster than you think!

Generative AI, the future or fad?

Generative AI, the future or fad?

Think AI is only good at crunching numbers? Think again. Generative AI is mastering imagination in mind-blowing ways.The robots are getting creative. We explore the rise of uncannily artistic generative AI models like DALL-E 2 and GPT-3.AI that writes, draws, and composes? The stunning creative power of futuristic generative algorithms.Generative AI, a subset of artificial intelligence, has transformed the digital landscape. It goes beyond mere predictions and classifications, allowing machines to create entirely new content, whether it’s art, music, text, or even data patterns.

Mastering the Art of API Design: Core Principles Every Developer Should Know

Mastering the Art of API Design: Core Principles Every Developer Should Know

In our digitized era, API (Application Programming Interface) stands tall as a keystone of software development. As the bridge between different software systems, it enables them to communicate and function cohesively. But just like any architectural marvel, an API must be designed with precision, understanding, and adherence to certain principles. In this post, we’ll dive into the essential tenets of API design to help ensure effectiveness and longevity.

How to Effectively Use ChatGPT and ClaudeAI for Your Job Search

How to Effectively Use ChatGPT and ClaudeAI for Your Job Search

Prompt engineering is the art and science of crafting effective prompts to obtain desired outcomes, especially when working with AI models like ChatGPT. Leveraging prompt engineering for job search can help you refine your job-seeking strategy, derive insights about industries or roles, and even help prepare for interviews.

Squeeze More Video With Less Bits: The Magic of Compression

Squeeze More Video With Less Bits: The Magic of Compression

In today’s digital landscape, videos dominate the sceneโ€”enriching our lives as tools for communication, entertainment, and learning. But behind every smooth streaming experience, there’s a silent hero at work: video codecs. These unsung champions compress vast amounts of visual data into manageable files, ensuring that your favorite videos load quickly without compromising on quality.

Why Software Engineering Interviews Are Broken

Why Software Engineering Interviews Are Broken

You did it – you landed an interview for your dream software engineering role! But now comes the hard part – preparing for the grueling interview process tech companies are notorious for. Between algorithm quizzes, complex technical questions, and long-winded coding challenges, these interviews can be downright terrifying.

Are We Living Inside a Search Query?

Are We Living Inside a Search Query?

Imagine waking up one morning to find yourself trapped inside Google’s search bar, each moment dictated by algorithms and every experience tailored to keywords. Sound far-fetched? Maybe not. In a world where our desires are predicted, our interests are cataloged, and our very identities are shaped by algorithms, we have to ask: Are we all living inside a search query?

The Secret Sauce: How Recommendation Systems Work Their Magic

The Secret Sauce: How Recommendation Systems Work Their Magic

Ever wondered how streaming platforms seem to know exactly what movie you’re in the mood for or how online retailers predict the next product you’d want to buy? Behind the scenes, powerful recommendation systems are working tirelessly, curating content and products just for you. Dive into the world of algorithms, data processing, and user behavior analysis that powers these systems. This excerpt aims to shed light on the magic behind the recommendations, revealing the ingredients of the secret sauce that personalizes your digital experience. Discover how machines learn from your preferences and predict your desires, making modern digital platforms feel like they’re tailored just for you.

From Designing Directed Graphs to Curating Them and Perhaps Creating a New One !?

From Designing Directed Graphs to Curating Them and Perhaps Creating a New One !?

This post comes to you from a person who is one of the last in history to have grown without the internet and social media.As much as I adore technology some things are best hidden away in the past.Given the strong influence company can have I am known for being a recluse taking frequent dips in the lonely and creating new things.

How to Guide For Student Debt + International Taxation

How to Guide For Student Debt + International Taxation

For international students in the United States, navigating the intricacies of the U.S. taxation system and understanding the realm of student debt are paramount. While they may be faced with a unique set of challenges, equipped with the right knowledge, these students can make informed financial decisions. This excerpt offers a brief dive into the U.S. tax obligations for international students, their eligibility for federal and private loans, and tips to manage their finances effectively during their academic journey. Properly managing these aspects can ensure a smoother educational experience, free from unexpected financial hurdles

The Bit Short -The Coming Collapse of Crypto Market ?! + Positive Indicators

The Bit Short -The Coming Collapse of Crypto Market ?! + Positive Indicators

We will be looking at some signs that show how the cryptocurency market is a house of cards and a ticking time bomb that could explode any day.Some shocking warning signs, that show us that the entire network can come crashing down. You have to understand what is going on in the cryptocurency market as your financial future may depend on this.Before I jump in, I just want you to remember , don’t listen to anyone, don’t give in to BS, you decide for yourself , do you really want to be the person you set yourself out to be? Let’s all stay together, keep those diamond hands and HODL!!. I promise you good things are coming for you. Don’t pay too much attention to the short term volatility, be in this for the long term. Since I started writing this post a lot more happened so let me go in the reverse chronological order to address these changes. I have been writing this post since the last weekend and there is just so much going on in the market, major FUD and good news. I want to be able to do justice so let get started with the instability and bad players in crypto and end it on a positive note with all the all good news money.

Bitcoin and Where is it headed in 2021?

Bitcoin and Where is it headed in 2021?

Bitcoin and Where is it headed in 2021?Bitcoin is a pure digital currency and it’s stored and distributed in a way that information doesn’t get lost.Its open source technology that can absorb new feature sets, resist harmful changes, adapt and be responsive to human action. Bitcoin has perfected all 5 of these. It’s the hardest form of money , now you may ask what do you mean by hardiness? — A major reason that led to the rise of crypto was corruption and violation of the trust fabric which is money.A lot of groundwork for bitcoin was laid out in the past 4 years and covid was a major accelerant to the adoption of digital tech.Bitcoin is a trillion dollar asset now since its first inception in 2008 during the financial crisis.

ElasticSearch 101

Elastic search is a real-time distributed search engine suitable for Full-text search. The ES library is built on the Lucene index. Lucene is great at compressing data; when you have log-like data its best to partition it into one index per day and reduce search space. Shards evenly…